Risk and Safety

Risk and Safety

Criminal Record Check- Vulnerable Sector Screening

All Team Bench Staff and Volunteers MUST have a Criminal Record Check - Vulnerable Sector Screening within the last 3 years BEFORE you can participate with any Minor Hockey activities. A two-sided scan or photograph of your stamped CRC-VSS paperwork can be emailed to gpmhairiskandsafety@gmail.com and your document will be retained on file.

Residents who live in the Town of Petawawa can visit the Pembroke or Petawawa OPP detachment every Tuesday or Thursday from 8 am -4 pm and submit your request.  Please bring 2 pieces of government issued photo I.D. ( Health Card and S.I.N. Card are NOT VALID) as well as this letter from our association requesting the check.  There is no cost for this service in relation to GPMHA volunteer requirements.  

OPP CRC-VSS Application Form 

This is an interactive PDF and requires downloading, it will not open if simply clicked on in a new tab.  Right click on the link and select 'save as' option. You will then need to open it from your files to complete.  If you are unsuccessful retrieving it from this website you can always visit the OPP website or simply fill one out at the actual OPP station.

The OPP are planning to host a CRC-VSS day on Saturday September 25th, 2021 from 8-12 and 1-4pm at the Pembroke detachment. Due to COVID protocols, only 1 un-accompanied person will be allowed in at a time. Letter and ID requirements are the same as above.  

Residents that live on the Canadian Forces Base can visit the Military Police Station on Somme Rd., CFB Petawawa.  You will need this letter and proof of residence within the PMQs.  

Military CPIC Form

Risk and Safety Links and Additional Info

The Hockey Canada Safety Program is a development initiative of Hockey Canada and is a volunteer hockey program. The emphasis of this program is on injury prevention and safety through risk management and education.

PDA/Cell Phone Camera Policy


HTCP Return to Play Form 

Volunteer Screening

Player On-Ice Helpers

Dressing Rooms